Rough Waters Ahead: A Mission to Navigate Youth Anxiety
Featuring Deacon Bob Rice
In this episode, we dive deep into the complexities of trust issues and anxiety that so many teens face today. Can relational ministry be the ultimate tool for guiding them through the rough waters of adolescence? Join us as we explore the thrilling yet perilous world of accompanying teens and how we can help teens recognize that they are not just the future—they are the right now!
Get ready for an insightful conversation with Deacon Bob Rice about the mission territory that is ministry to youth and how living the Gospel can be the life raft they need. Buckle up, because this episode is all about embracing the deep waters of youth ministry!
About the Author
Bob Rice is a husband, father of seven, permanent deacon for the diocese of Steubenville, and professor of catechetics at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Rice is cohost of a popular weekly podcast called They That Hope with Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR. You can find out more about him at Deacon Bob Rice
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